Latinum 5.1 Released

Version 5.1.0

Beantrader Latinum version 5.1 contains bug fixes and new features.

The most important changes are listed in this document.

### Charts
   * Added Real Body chart type
   * Added collection and playback of ticks that occur while waiting
     for historical data to load.
   * Added edit attributes context menu action for text objects
   * Enabled Hour intervals; H2, H3, H6, H8 in all editions
   * Enabled Second intervals; s5, s10, s15, s30 in all editions

### Drawing
   * Added Edit menu with Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, and
     Duplicate commands.
   * Added configurable levels to Andrews' Pitchfork tool
   * Added configurable levels to Fibonacci Circle tool
   * Added extend options for neckline of Head and Shoulders tool
   * Added Price Dimension tool, measures price change
   * Added Date Dimension tool, measures date range
   * Added Bring to Front and Send to Back arrangement actions to
     context menu
   * Improved Selection tool, now capable of moving drawings and
     anchor points without needed to switch to the Move or Pen tool
   * Improved editing experience, anchors are highlighted on
     mouse-over when Selection, Move, Eraser, or Pen tool is enabled
   * Improved Arc tool editing
   * Improved label positioning in pattern tools, labels are now
     offset from the picked point.
   * Fixed issue changing properties of a drawing using the format
     toolbar while the pen tool is selected.
   * Fixed hit-test for extended channel lines
   * Fixed hit-test for extended arrow drawings
   * Fixed Bring Forward and Send Backward arrangement algorithm
   * Changed Arc tool curviness, a quadratic Bézier curve is now used
     instead of a cubic Bézier curve.
   * Changed Arrow tool start point from Circle to None
   * Removed the start and end point markers from extended Arrow,
     Channel, and Trend tools.

### Trading
   * FXCM
      * Enabled live account login in all editions
      * Removed maximum balance limit for live accounts

### Datafeed
   * FXCM
      * Improved performance parsing price updates